華人進步會行動基金是一個為我們社區建立力量的501c4 組織。
- 擴大華裔基層參與選舉的人數,
- 與其他有色人種社區、勞工和進步盟友一起創造獨立的進步政治力量,
- 使人們的生活和治理獲得真正的改善。
CPA Action Fund is a 501c4 organization building power for our communities.
We build long term progressive unity to win and change conditions, deepen consciousness in the Chinese immigrant community, and develop the leadership of our members.
We build long-term grassroots organizing that integrates civic engagement to:
- expand the electorate to include our base and
- building an independent progressive political force with other communities of color, labor and progressive allies and
- to win real changes in people’s lives and move towards governance