- 若提案通過,將發行100億美元債券,用於K-12學校和社區學院建設及現代化建設。
- 不同於多數州,加州無專門資金修繕學校建築。
- 為教育,投支持!
- 若本提案通過,將廢除限制婚姻僅為男性和女性結合的第8號提案,同時確立婚姻權作為每個人的基本權利。
- 為保護氣候環境提供100億美元的債券資金,包括:對整個加州的安全飲用水、野火防治、乾旱預防及和保持清潔空氣。
- 剩餘的資金將主要用於建設更多公園、加大對野生動植物及其棲息地的保護力度,並制定有效措施以應對日益頻繁的極端高溫天氣。
- 投票支持氣候正義!
- 若提案通過,將降低地方管轄區發行債券或征特別稅資助住房與公共基礎設施的超多數投票門檻,由三分之二(66.67%)降至55%, 使資助可負擔房屋項目變得更加容易申請。
- 目前,地方政府可經三分之二超多數投票制定特別稅,以資助特定專案。
- 為住房,投支持!
- 由於存在一項“例外條款”,數十萬人仍被迫從事非自願勞役,因為該條款允許將無償勞動作為犯罪的懲罰。政府和私人公司從強迫勞動中獲取了數百萬美元的利益,而監獄中的人如果拒絕這些每小時報酬不到1美元的工作,則可能面臨處罰。
- 若提案通過,將修改州憲法,禁止將奴隸制和強制勞役作為刑罰,並授權相關部門對自願工作的囚犯給予獎勵。囚犯可選擇拒絕監獄工作,且不會因拒絕而受罰。
- 為公平勞動力,投支持!
- 若本提案得到通過,將逐年提高本州的最低工資標準,直到目標達到每小時18美元。
- 目前加州最低工資是每小時16美元。這一增長將改善全州許多工人的生活條件!
- 為工人權利,投支持!
- 若提案通過,將廢除《科斯塔-霍金斯法》,允許城市和縣對所有住房實施租金限制。住房法原禁止對單戶住宅和1995年2月1日之後建成的房屋實施租金管控。廢除後,地方還可限制首次租戶租金,州政府不得幹預地方租金管控提案。
- 2018年,華人進步會曾支持類似提案(即第10號提案)。每個人都應該有一個安全穩定的居所,這項措施將保護租戶免受不公平租金漲幅的影響。
- 為住房,投支持!
- 若提案通過,將發行7.9億美元的債券,用於修繕老化的教室和校園。這筆資金將用於升級和現代化超出預期使用壽命的舊設施。此提案還將投資於學生的健康餐食、技術改進、戶外學習空間和安全校舍。
- 考慮到之前債券的到期,此提案預計不會提高當前的稅率。
- 為教育,投支持!
- 若提案通過,將設立總檢察長一職,負責調查城市政府及承包商中的欺詐、浪費、濫用職權等不當行為。此舉旨在應對多年來影響三藩市聲譽的腐敗醜聞。其他如芝加哥、紐約、新奧爾良等城市已設立此職位。
- 這將有助於確保我們的城市對三藩市居民負責。
- 監督政府部門運作!
- 削減城市目前130個委員會和董事會中的一半,將總數限制為65個。這樣做將使市長在決策方面擁有更集中的權力,而這些決策將直接影響我們的日常生活,但過程的透明度卻相當有限。
- 提案還將剝奪委員會決策權,僅保留諮詢職能。市長將被允許任命至少三分之二委員會成員,並獨享任免部門主管的權力。警察局長也將獨享制定員警行為規範的權力。
- 此提案由市長盟友提出,旨在增強其權力,降低政府問責和增加透明度。
- *這些委員會由市政府任命的市民組成,負責監督各個城市部門。一些委員會擁有決策權,而另一些則僅提供建議。*
- 若提案通過,將設立一個為期兩年的特別工作組,負責就城市委員會和市參事會的調整、取消或合併城市指定的委員會和市參事會向市長和市參事提出建議。工作組成員將由城市管理員、城市審計長、市長和市參事主席各自任命一名。
- 監督政府部門運作 !
- 若提案通過,此修正案將允許擁有25年工作經驗的警官選擇延遲退休,並以此為條件,在接下來的五年內獲得薪酬增加。
- 三藩市警察局(SFPD)最年長的警察如果選擇繼續服役,年收入可以達到 $437,000 到 $522,000,是三藩市平均薪資的四倍以上。
- 2008 年,三藩市曾經推出過類似的延期退休選項計劃,但由於成本過高,三年後該計劃被終止。
- 在當前城市預算赤字的情況下,我們應該優先將資金投資於學校和社區,而不是使用昂貴的方式來留住警察。
- 請投反對票,將資金優先投入到社區建設中!
- 若提案通過,將為老年人、家庭和殘疾人創建一個可負擔房屋機會基金。該基金將為由老年人、家庭和殘疾人組成的極低收入家庭提供租金補貼。極低收入家庭的定義是家庭收入低於該地區中位數收入的30%。
- 此提案要求城市從2026年開始,每年向該基金投入825萬美元。
- 三藩市約有52,600個家庭有62歲或以上的老年人,20,000個家庭有殘疾成年人。
- 為住房,投支持!
- 若提案通過,該修正案將為符合條件的註冊護士提供一個機會,她們可以將作為臨時護士在市政退休體系中的工作折算成最多三年的服務工齡。同時,自2025年開始,911接線員也有機會轉向一個更優越的退休計畫。
- 應急人員如護士和911接線員每天都維護我們的安全。
- 考慮到當地護士和911調度員的短缺現狀,這一修正案旨在通過提供市政強大的退休計畫作為吸引,鼓勵更多的護士和911調度員接受市政職位。
- 若提案通過,它將要求城市各部門與三藩市聯合學區進行協調,共同“為兒童、青少年和家庭提供基於成果的服務”。為確保資金使用的透明度和效果,此修正案將引入一個可衡量的“成果框架”,用於評估城市各部門對兒童和青少年相關資金的使用情況。同時,學區也將被要求每隔五年提交一份提案,詳細說明他們計畫如何使用這類資金。
- 這一修正案是市參事盧凱莉(Ronen)的嘗試,旨在確保市長對教育和青年服務進行全面資助,而不是將資金挪作他用。在過去的一年中,市長並未通過其預算為教育和青年專案提供資金。相反,市長濫用了本應專款專用的“學生成功基金”(該基金於2022年由選民投票通過),將其用於資助基線預算。
- 為教育,投支持!
- 若本提案通過,將確立為三藩市的一項政策,旨在全力保障市民的生殖自由權利。該提案涵蓋了多項內容,包括設立專項基金以接收支持生殖健康權利的資金,擴大墮胎及緊急避孕服務的覆蓋範圍,以及採取更多措施來保障市民的生殖健康權利。
State Propositions
Yes on Prop 2
- If passed, $10 billion in bonds will be issued to fund construction and modernization of K-12 schools and community colleges. Unlike most states, California doesn’t have a dedicated stream of funding to repair school buildings
- Vote Yes for Education!
Yes on Prop 3
- Repeals Prop 8 (which limits definition of marriage to being a union between man and woman) & reaffirms the right to same-sex marriage.
Yes on Prop 4
- Funds $10 billion in bonds for climate protection including: safe drinking water, wildfire prevention, drought preparedness, and clean air throughout California. Other money would be used to create parks, protect wildlife and habitats and address extreme heat events.
- Vote Yes for Climate Justice!
Yes on Prop 5
- If passed, the supermajority vote requirement will be lowered from two-thirds (66.67%) vote to 55% for local jurisdictions to issue bonds or impose special taxes (sales tax, transaction tax, or parcel tax) for affordable housing and public infrastructure projects, making it easier to fund affordable housing projects.
- Currently, local governments are authorized to enact special taxes to fund specific purposes via a two-thirds supermajority vote.
- Vote Yes for Housing!
Yes on Prop 32
- If passed, it would raise the state minimum wage annually until it reaches $18.00 per hour. The current state minimum wage is $16.00 per hour. This increase will improve conditions for many working people across the state!
- Yes for Workers Rights!
Yes on Prop 33
- Allows cities and counties to implement rent controls on any housing, by repealing the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act (which prohibits rent control on any single-family homes and houses completed after February 1, 1995).
- Previously, CPA supported a similar version of this proposition (called Prop 10 in 2018). Everyone deserves a safe, stable place to live, and this measure would protect renters from unfair rent increases.
- Vote Yes for Housing!
San Francisco Propositions
Yes on Prop A
- Funds $790 million in bonds to fix aging classrooms and campuses. This measure also invests in healthy meals for students, technology improvements, outdoor learning spaces, and safe school buildings.
- The measure is not expected to raise current tax rates, given the expiration of previous bonds
- Vote Yes for Education!
Yes on Prop C
- If passed, it creates an inspector general position to investigate fraud, waste, abuse, and misconduct in city government and by city contractors. This comes after years of corruption scandals that have affected San Francisco’s reputation. Other cities that already have such a position include Chicago, New York, and New Orleans.
- This would help ensure our City is held accountable to everyday San Franciscans.
- Vote Yes for Gov Accountability!
No on Prop D
- Limits the city’s number of commissions to 65, therefore cutting out half of the city’s current commissions and boards. The measure also takes away decision-making authority from all commissions, relegating them to only an advisory role, and centralizes power to the Mayor’s Office by allowing the Mayor to appoint and remove department heads. Gives the Police Chief sole authority to govern police misconduct.
- This is an effort put forth by the Mayor’s allies to grant her position more power and reduce government accountability and transparency.
- *Commissions are made up of citizens who are appointed by the government to oversee city departments. Some commissions have the power to make decisions, while others make recommendations.*
Yes on Prop E
- Creates a temporary 2-year task force that makes recommendations to the Mayor and Board of Supervisors on how to modify, eliminate, or combine the City’s appointed commissions and boards. The City Administrator, the City Controller, the Mayor, and the Board of Supervisors’ President would each appoint one member. This measure would increase government accountability through introducing a third-party task force to manage changes to the city commissions.
- Vote Yes for Government Accountability!
No on Prop F
- If passed, qualified officers of 25 years and over will be able to delay their retirement in exchange for additional compensation for five years.
- SFPD’s oldest officers would be able to make $437,000 to $522,000 a year in exchange for staying on the force – more than the U.S. President makes in a year.
- In 2008, San Francisco tried a similar Deferred Retirement Option Plan, but ended it after three years because it was too costly.
- During our City’s budget deficit, we need to invest in our schools and communities first, instead of an expensive and misguided approach to retain police.
Yes on Prop G
- Creates an Affordable Housing Opportunity fund to support rental subsidies for extremely low-income households consisting of seniors, families and people with disabilities. Extremely low-income households are defined as those with a household income less than 30% of the region’s Area Median Income.
- This measure requires the city to put $8.25 million into the fund annually starting in 2026.
- There are approximately 52,600 households in San Francisco with a senior aged 62 years or older, and 20,000 households with a disabled adult.
- Vote Yes for Housing!
Yes on Prop I
- If passed, it allows eligible registered nurses to purchase up to three years of service credit for working as a temporary nurse towards the City’s retirement system. It also allows 911 operators to move to a different and better retirement plan starting in 2025.
- Emergency responders like nurses and 911 operators help keep us safe everyday. Amongst a local shortage of nurses and 911 dispatchers, this measure incentivizes nurses and 911 dispatchers to accept positions with the City if they can access the City’s strong retirement plan.
Yes on Prop J
- If passed, it requires city departments and the San Francisco Unified School District to coordinate, so that they can, “deliver outcomes-based services for children, youth, and families.” This measure would require that a measurable “outcomes framework” be used to evaluate the city departments’ use of funding for children and youth.
- The school district would also be required to submit a proposal every 5 years on how they will use such funding.
- This measure is Supervisor Ronen’s attempt to hold the Mayor accountable for fully funding education and youth services, instead of misusing other funds. The Mayor chose to not fund education and youth programs this past year through her budget. Instead, she misused the Student Success Fund (passed by voters in 2022) to fund the baseline budget.
- Vote Yes for Education!
Yes on Prop O
- If passed, it would make it a City policy to safeguard reproductive freedoms in San Francisco. It includes establishing a fund to receive money for supporting reproductive rights and health services, expanding access to abortion and emergency contraception services, and more.
- To register to vote,
- Go to https://registertovote.ca.gov/ . Everyone who registers by 10/21/2024 will automatically receive a vote-by-mail ballot.
- To check your registration status,
- You can register up to election day, and vote in-person at a neighborhood polling place on Election Day, Tuesday 11/5/24.
- For questions about voting, call the SF Department of Elections:
- 中文: (415)554-4367
- English: (415)554-4375