三藩市崛起行動基金:三藩市崛起行動基金是一個草根政治基金組織,針對企業的貪婪,致力爭取有色人種工薪階層社區利益。 我們團結全市的非裔、拉美裔、華裔和菲律賓裔社區,創建一個以社區為基礎,有能力選出可以實現我們需要的大膽解決方案、並對我們而不是企業說客負責的領袖的政治架構。三藩市崛起行動是一個 501(c)4 組織。
San Francisco Rising Action Fund: San Francisco Rising Action Fund is a grassroots political fund fighting for the interests of working-class communities of color, over corporate greed. We are uniting Black, Latinx, Chinese and Filipino communities from across the city to create a community-based political infrastructure capable of electing leaders who will achieve the bold solutions we need and stay accountable to us, not corporate lobbyists. San Francisco Rising Action is a 501(c)4 organization.
AAPI Force: 亞太裔公民力量 (AAPI FORCE) 是加州亞裔及太平洋島民 (AAPI) 501(c)4 基層組織的網絡,致力培育亞裔及太平洋島民的政治參與,並加強和擴展民主。
AAPI Force: Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders for Civic Empowerment (AAPI FORCE) is a network of grassroots 501(c)(4) Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) organizations across California dedicated to strengthening and expanding democracy while growing the political participation of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.
強化政治力量中心 (Center for Empowered Politics)
亞美力量網絡 (Asian American Power Network)
加州工薪家庭黨 (California Working Families Party)
查詢聯絡,請發電郵至: info@cpa-actionfund.org